THORN - Gosh. Jana. This is harder than it looked. I have sat here just staring at the screen trying to come up with something to type. OK. Um. THORN - I am going to have to go with, OMG. I have no freaking clue. Everything is just so great right now. I know what hell I lived through in 2010 but without it, I would not be where I am right now, in this moment. So we are going to skip this part right now. Mm'kay?
1. Having my son back in my life FULL TIME has been so wonderful. It about tore me to pieces last year when I had to ask his Dad to take him. I know it was the only option and it kept him safe, but I missed him every hour. I am so thankful he is home now.
2. My second ROSE is having real relationships again. Especially with my friends and my family. I was not aware at how cut off I was. Spending time with my friends these last few months has been so rewarding. Feeling the love from my family and knowing that they will be there for me NO MATTER WHAT is priceless.
1. I look forward to seeing the relationship between myself and my super cool man friend blossom. He makes everyday brighter and full of laughter and joy.
2. I want to work on strengthening my friendships (like Jana is doing) both inside the computer and in my REAL life.
3. And OMG I am totally looking forward to my cruise which departs in 16 days that my super cool man friend got me for my birthday!! Sun and Sand, here we come!